Saturday 6 March 2021

Accessible walks and pathways (Stormontfield)

Dad on the Fishpond's circular, Stormontfield

I haven't met my folks inside for about a year now. On the other hand, we've walked together more than ever before and that has been a joy. I am keenly aware they cannot do all the walks that I still can. Dad's type 2 diabetic. He has come through two cancers and a brain tumour successfully and with a stoicism admired not only by his family. His maximum distance at the moment is around five or six miles. Depending on how he's feeling some days he can only do short walks.

Today we did the Fishponds circular walk at Stormontfield. At nearly 81 dad's not quite as balanced as he was so it was with relief that we got down the steep, uneven & somewhat rickety steps & across the bridge with no railing.

Countryside access is not just about there being paths it's about paths that are suitable for everyone. People with less than perfect balance, less than perfect hearing of approaching bikes and people who can't climb over stiles, or locked gates. It means river banks reinforced from erosion or diverting paths away from them and paths without holes liable to cause falls. Roughly 65% of the UK population is overweight and that population is ageing. We should be anticipating making life easier for older people and facilitating things that keep them healthy. One way to do that is investing in improving and extending a good, safe, accessible local path network that people on foot of all ages can use with confidence.

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